Friday, February 27, 2009

Palma RA Fogging Exercise to Prevent Dengue


  1. Palma is surrounded by ponds and open sites with lots of rubbish. I suspect mosquitos come from these areas. Can we fog the surrounding as well?

  2. i do not think so, Last week end I was jogging in our Palma area, I saw few houses d a big big bowl type of vase for water plant planting. So, all this bowl type of vase had contain a lot of water and the resident should rare small fish in that but they do not. So, I think besides the environment, we are the resident here we should look around our house and our neighbor houses as well, please give advice to your neighbour if you see they have a static water pond in their house. Thank you.

  3. Some vacant houses with blossom forest within their side yard could also be the main contributors for the uninvited blood sucking and disease hosting mosquitos. I have seen quite a number of houses left unmanaged with forest within are high possible the breeding place for mosquitos. If the house is vacant and locked, how are we going to fog the it? Some effort is needed to contact the owner of the houses to do some housekeeping.
